Updates in the code for loading OpenBCI data in MATLAB

Hey there! I’ve updated the code for loading OpenBCI data in MATLAB. The old code gave some errors since the ‘csvread‘ function of MATLAB is not recommended to keep using it anymore. So, I changed the function for the ‘readmatrix” function which works pretty similar to the old one and no longer causes any problems…

The importance of phase in EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces

In the world that we live, we have to react to sensory inputs all the time: the hustle and bustle of the city (traffic lights, cars, bikes…), notifications popping up in our screen, concerts… Taking the traffic light as an example, has ever happened to you that when you are waiting to cross and the…

Mneuronic: A mnemonic system based on stimulation-free neuroimaging

MNeuronic is a neurotech device that helps users to improve memory retention. The system capitalizes on the natural fluctuations of neural excitability in the human brain using real-time phase prediction. This confers two important strengths: efficiency and temporal precision. In this way, MNeuronic anticipates upcoming optimal brain states before they occur (rather than reacting to past…

2nd Brain Twitter Conference

I participated in the second edition of the Brain Twitter Conference, which is a virtual conference that takes place on Twitter. In this way, the conference removes the hassle of travel by allowing scientists to meet and interact using Twitter. Just like a regular conference, I delivered my talk via a series of tweets in…

A taxonomy of attention

In 1890, William James famously declared in The Principles of Psychology that “Everyone knows what attention is”. Attention has become a catch-all term for how the brain processes its own information, and its effects can be measured through behaviors, electrophysiology, and brain imaging methods. However, attention is so ubiquitous and has such multiple forms that it is…

How human memory works?

Memory is essential to all our lives. Without a memory of the past, we could not operate in the present or think about the future. We would not be able to remember what we did yesterday, what we have done today or what we plan to do tomorrow. Without memory, we could not learn anything….

The left/right brain myth

The origins of the myth The left/right brain myth holds that a right-brain dominant person is generally creative, intuitive, artsy, while a left-brain dominant person is more of a problem-solver, more linear, logical. The myth arose from genuine science, but new imaging technology has shown that the brain is more interdependent than once thought. The…

How does mindfulness meditation change the brain?

What is mindfulness meditation? Meditation can be defined as a form of mental training that aims to improve an individual’s core psychological capacities, such as attentional and emotional self-regulation. Meditation encompasses a family of complex practices that include mindfulness meditation, mantra meditation, yoga, tai-chi and chi-gong. Of these practices, mindfulness meditation – often described as non-judgemental attention to present-moment experiences – has received most attention…

Left-hand vs. Right-hand finger tapping experiment

The aim of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is to improve the autonomy of people with severe motor disabilities by new communication and control options. It is commonly known that either if you perform a movement, or you think about actually doing this movement, the same area in the brain is activated. Therefore, the point with these…